伞式保险通常被称为灾难性保险,因为它涵盖了高成本事件. Do you need an umbrella policy, or is your current coverage enough? 在澳博app下载 in Las Vegas, NV, we offer umbrella insurance policies. Let’s take a look at signs you should get an umbrella policy.
伞式保险通常有100万美元到1000万美元的保险限额. 如果你对灾难性事件负有责任, 就像10辆车连环相撞, 这份保险将包括你的标准保险所不包括的内容.
To qualify for umbrella insurance, you must have standard policies. 如果你有房屋和澳博app,你就有资格获得伞式保险. 然而,首先,您需要您的标准保单的最大保险范围.
伞式保险的目的是保护您免受超出当前保险限额的责任. 如果你有100万美元的资产,但只有500美元,你应该考虑购买保护伞保单,000美元的澳博app责任.
如果你有能力支付费用的话, you are more likely to be sued and have a large judgment against you.
What if your net worth doesn’t exceed your current policy limits? 你可能还需要雨伞保险. If there’s a judgment against you, it can also include future earnings. This means you may be paying the costs long after the event has occurred.
雨伞保险通常会在你的主要保险政策终止的地方开始,并涵盖差额. 然而, it also covers things not covered in your standard policy. 这能让你内心平静.
如果您需要在内华达州澳博app下载的伞状保险,请澳博app澳博app下载. 我们友好的代理人在这里讨论您的保险需求,并帮助您选择最好的政策.